Seba Inpu Ka Mut

Hem NTR (Priest) of the Het em Mut (House of the Mother), Thai ankh (ankh bearer), Seba (teacher), Mediator, Former Keeper of the West Coast Shrine of the Temple of the White and Gold Lotus, Shrine of Amen Ra, Founder of KhASA. Demographer, Sociologist, Social Scientist, Baba/Father.

Seba (Teacher) Inpu Ka Mut is a founding member of an association of independent Khemetic (Egyptian) priests, priestesses, and monks. As a Khemetic priest (Hm Ntr), he has provided spiritual and psycho-social counseling, house blessings, rites of passage and other traditional Afrakan spiritual services for many people on the East and West coasts.
He currently resides in Los Angeles, California. Seba Inpu has provided counsel and advice to people in the entertainment industry, small business community, and numerous individuals.

Seba Inpu is a martial artist, yogi and founder of the Khemetic Aha and Sema Association (KhASA). His students have ranged from three to ninety-five years of age. A former instructor and member of the Khemetic T’ai Chi and Yoga Society, Seba Inpu incorporates T’ai Chi Ch’uan, Taoist, Hatha, Kundalini and Pranayama sema (yoga), Rekh Hati Khemeti (Khemetic Mind Science, a traditional meditation and healing system), and massage to work with individuals in clinical settings as a Mind- Body Health consultant, Self-Applied Health Enhancement Methods (SAHEM) practitioner, and alternative health practitioner, as a form of healing self-care for the past 28 years.
Seba Inpu centers the practice in aiding survivors of trauma, PTSD, and private clients referred as part of a complementary practice with traditional medicine.

Seba Inpu Ka Mut works with males struggling with challenges unique and unfamiliar to the process of becoming a man. He has served as Jegna (mentor) and advisor to many men, both individually and in groups, to support and facilitate growth and development.

A graduate of the University of Southern California, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology; and a Master’s Degree (ABT) in Sociology, Seba Inpu uses his secular, spiritual and religious training to serve those who are committed to helping themselves. Seba Inpu currently works as a High Conflict Community Mediator. He also gives presentations, facilitates workshops, and provides readings of his original poetry.